
Dissertation Title:

Shifting Responses to Immigration Crises

Working Papers:

“Media Narratives and the Life Cycle of Immigration Public Opinion”

“Stereotyped Subtypes: Public Opinion on Immigrants and Refugees” with Cindy Kam


Corredor, Jessica, Julio Daly, Liliana Fernandez, Alexander Tripp, and Olivia Woldemikael. 2023. “¿Por qué las personas migrantes eligen migrar de nuevo?: Un informe especial sobre la migración de personas Venezolanas en Colombia hacia los Estados Unidos” El Barómetro de Xenofobia.

“Spotlight on Intentions to Emigrate” (pp. 24-25) and “Spotlight on Key Drivers of Emigration” (pp. 26-27) in the 2021 LAPOP AmericasBarometer.